In our latest podcast episode with Steve Ressler, Chief Evangelist Officer of DriveCentric, we dive deep into how dealerships can supercharge revenue by focusing on customer engagement. In the automotive world, where inventory and prices are nearly identical across competitors, what truly sets you apart is the experience you provide.

Steve explains how shifting your focus from managing data to fostering real human connections drives not only immediate sales but long-term loyalty and referrals.

Moving Beyond the “Old School” Approach

Automotive salespeople and managers often lean on traditional metrics: How many leads did we get? How many appointments did we schedule? But here’s the thing: these numbers only tell half the story.

Today’s buyers don’t want to be sold—they want to buy. And what pushes them from “just browsing” to “where do I sign?” is engagement. How quickly do you respond? Are you sending them a template email that reeks of copy-paste, or are you speaking to them like a real human?

In the words of Ressler, dealerships that focus on engagement can double their appointment rates. That’s right—double. It’s not rocket science, it’s about getting out of “task mode” and stepping into “engagement mode.”

The Power of Video (AKA Your Secret Weapon)

The car is the same. The price is the same. So what’s different? You, your dealership, and how you connect with your customers.

Here’s a stat: dealerships that use video messages for appointment confirmations see an 80% show rate. Why? Because video humanizes the experience. Instead of being just another faceless salesperson, you become a person who’s excited to help them. Sending a quick, personalized video message like, “Hey Jim, looking forward to seeing you at 2 PM! We’ve got the car gassed up and ready to go!” creates a connection.

Think about it: a well-timed, friendly video turns what could be a forgotten appointment into a must-attend event. Now, multiply that over the course of a week, month, or year, and watch how that impacts your bottom line.

Quick Engagement Wins More Sales

Here’s a quick reality check from DriveCentric: 70% of customers buy a car within four business days of sending in a lead, and 90% of used car buyers close within 10 days. You’ve got a small window to make a big impression.

Speed and engagement win the race. AI-powered responses, text follow-ups, and yes, those killer video messages can engage leads faster than your competition. Remember: the first dealership to engage wins the deal. It’s not about how many leads you get—it’s how quickly and genuinely you engage with them.

Customer Experience vs. Customer Reaction

Everyone talks about “customer experience,” but as Ressler points out, that’s vague. What you really need to measure is customer reaction. How did they respond to your outreach? Did they laugh at your GIF? Did they reply with a “thank you” after your video?

Reactions are the real buying signals. If you can measure those, you’re getting closer to understanding buyer intent. Instead of throwing data at the wall and hoping it sticks, focus on meaningful customer reactions that show where they are in their buying journey.

Referrals: The Unspoken Revenue Stream

We all know referrals are golden. But did you know that improving customer experience directly fuels referrals? When you provide a seamless, human interaction, customers will remember it. They’ll talk about it. They’ll tell their friends and family, who’ll then come to you.

Dealerships that focus on building trust and rapport through engagement create a flywheel effect—more happy customers, more referrals, more sales. It’s a simple equation that works when you prioritize relationships over transactions.

The Takeaway

If you’re still relying on canned emails and slow response times, it’s time to rethink your strategy. Customer experience is the new currency of the automotive world, and those who invest in engagement—real, human engagement—will win.

Start small. Personalize your responses. Use video. Track engagement. Before you know it, you’ll not only close more deals, but you’ll have customers who are so thrilled with their experience, they’ll send others your way.

Because in the end, people don’t just buy cars—they buy the experience that comes with them.